In 1935, the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade was the first to introduce sociology courses as a part of their regular curriculum as the establishment of the Department followed. After the World War II, the work of the Department was stopped due to certain political issues but in 1959 the School of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade accepted to reinstate the Sociology Department for it to become the single department in former Yugoslavia. Nowadays, the Department of Sociology represents a major recruiting and research base.

The set of courses of the Sociology Department on all graduate, master and doctoral levels is a variety of classes with topics concerning General and Specific Sociology, Social Pathology, Social Anthropology and Social History, while all the research is done through the alliance with the Institute for Social Research.

At present, the Department of Sociology enrolls about 450 students while the teaching staff employs 30 professors.

The Chairman of the Department

  • Name: Mina Petrović, Ph.D., Professor