The teaching of pedagogy in form of the academic course first started at the Lyceum (founded in 1838), continued at the Great School (founded in 1863) and the University (founded in 1905) but the especially important year for its development as the scientific and research discipline was 1892, when Professor Vojislav Bakić became elected for a Chairman of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology. Thanks to Professor Bakić’s determination, in 1900 Pedagogy became a part of the study group along with Philosophy, and since 1927 it existed as the individual study group. Later on, in 1962, the Pedagogy Study Group became promoted into the Pedagogy Department, within which two study groups were initiated in 1979 - Pedagogy Study Group and Andragogy Study Group.

In 1982, the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy was established within the Pedagogy Department as well.

Today, the Pedagogy Study Group collaborates with the following study sub-groups: the Chair for General Pedagogy, Methodology and History of Pedagogy, the Chair for Didactics and Methodology, the Chair for Pre-School Pedagogy, and the Chair for Elementary and Higher Education Pedagogy.

Graduate, master and doctoral studies offer a variety of courses in General and Specific Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy, Methodology of Pedagogy, Methodology of Pedagogy Research, Didactics, Methodology, Pre-School Pedagogy, Elementary and Higher Education Pedagogy, Pedagogy of Family, etc.

At present, the Pedagogy Study Group enrolls about 400 students while the teaching staff employs 11 professors and 9 assistants.

The Chairman of the Department

  • Name: Dragana Pavlović-Breneselović, Ph.D., Associate Professor