Jean Monnet Module Anthropology of European Union
The Jean Monnet Module Anthropology of European Union (AEUM) is an innovative teaching project, with the aim of integrating research and teaching on EU-related issues at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and fostering academically-based policy-oriented dialogue with extra-academic stakeholders.
The AEUM consists of specifically designed courses and seminars (Anthropology of the European Union 1 in the first semester, and Anthropology of the European Union 2 in the second, followed by a seminar on master’s thesis topic selection, each weighing 5 ECTS) at MA program of Ethnology and Anthropology. Moreover, a number of open debates with representatives of media, political parties, NGOs and civil servants coming mainly from ministries, agencies and offices will be organized in order to foster social dialogue on issues concerning Serbian accession to EU.
The academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module Anthropology of European Union is Professor Miloš Milenković.
The Jean Monnet Module Anthropology of European Union is organized with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
About the Project
Firmly believing that the major objectives of the Jean Monnet activities require dialogue between scholars and the public, the Jean Monnet Module Anthropology of European Union (AEUM) was designed as a facilitation instrument, consisting of both academic and policy-oriented content.
The intervention proposed by the AEUM team is twofold: to integrate research and teaching on social and cultural processes of Europeanisation on one hand, and to publicly disseminate anthropological knowledge on social complexity and cultural multiplicity of EU through a series of public events, on the other. The main aim of the first type of intervention is to add value to the academic realm – to use the Module as motivational infrastructure for refocusing graduate students and young professionals on European issues, in order to enable them to write and defend their master’s theses on topics relevant to the anthropology of the European Union. The second type of intervention aims to inform and engage the public – through evidence-based lectures, seminars, debates, and workshops for extra-academic stakeholders – of the common misconceptions and instrumental construals regarding understanding the relation of Europeanisation and nation states and national identities, with a focus on Serbia.
The AEUM consists of specifically designed courses and seminars (Anthropology of the European Union 1 in the first semester, and Anthropology of the European Union 2 in the second, followed by a seminar on master’s thesis topic selection, each weighing 5 ECTS) at MA program of Ethnology and Anthropology. Moreover, a number of open lectures will be organized for all master’s students at Faculty of Philosophy (including students of philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, education, adult education, archaeology, art history, and the classics), as well as debates between master’s-level students and members of media representatives, political parties, NGOs, and civil servants coming mainly from ministries, agencies and offices.
Teaching staff
Professor Miloš Milenković
Academic Coordinator
Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Author of seven books and dozens of articles on intersections of history, theory, methodology, ethics and politics of social sciences and humanities; multiculturalism and identity politics; cultural heritage research and safeguarding; minorities; quality of life in sociocultural perspective. Project leader of ‘Identity policies of the EU: Adaptation and Application in Serbia’. Member of managing committees of World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) and European Network for Research Evaluation in Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH). Member of Academic Council of Social Science and Humanities, University of Belgrade and Council for Humanities, Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
Professor Senka Kovač
Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Professor Kovač is responsible for Comparative Anthropology (The Anthropology of the World) module at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, including Anthropology of Europe. She is an experienced teacher and researcher, specialized in comparative anthropology (Anthropology of Africa, Mediterranean and the Balkans), and in anthropology of material culture and public festivities. She is a project leader of “The Problems of Cultural Identity in Contemporary Serbia” (2004). From 2002 she is a Senior member and Serbian representative in The Science and Expert Network in Ethnology and History of Europe – EURETHNO - Council of Europe.
Professor Ivan Kovačević
Professor and Head of Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.The author, co-author or editor of 30 books and around hundred articles.Former President of Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society. Project leader of “From Cultural Heritage to Modern Society – an Anthropological Study of Serbia” (2011-2017). Areas of Competence: History of European anthropology; anthropology of Serbia; cultural transformation and development; History of Ideas.
Professor Danijel Sinani
Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.Head of the Centre for study of alternative religions.The author or editor of 11 books and author of dozens of articles.Editor in chief of Anthropology journal, editor in chief of publications by Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society.President of Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society.President of Serbian National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage.Acting dean of Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.Senior researcher at “Cultural Identities in the proceses of European Integration and Regionalization”. Areas of Competence: anthropology of religion and mythology; alternative religions and movements; ethnology of Serbia; cultural heritage research and safeguarding.
Assistant Professor Marija Brujić
Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology and a Research associate at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Researcher in both Serbian-based and international research projects concerning the EU. Areas of competence: anthropology of the EU; migration studies; identity politics; visual anthropology.
Assistant Professor Ivana Gačanović
Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology and Research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. Areas of Competence: anthropology of the EU; contemporary higher education policy; anthropological theories.
Assistant Professor Marko Pišev
Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology and Research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. Author of two books and around twenty scientific articles and chapters. Areas of competence: multiculturalism, ethnicity and identity politics; anthropology of Islam; political anthropology; history of ethnology and anthropology.
Professor Miloš Milenković
Academic Coordinator
Ana Dajić
Administrative Coordinator
Bojana Bursać Džalto
Public Relations Coordinator
Slobodan Milisavljević
Dejan Jovanović
Financial Coordinator