Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Philosophy
Study Field: Philosophy
Type of Study: Bachelor
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 4 years / 8 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 240 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of Philosophy (B.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a Bachelor’s study program is to have graduated full high school, approved entrance examination scores, and acceptance to study program. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Master study program
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination / 14 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Miljana Milojević, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-182
Products of Studying: A graduate student with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy will have gained fundamental and necessary knowledge in following areas of study: History of Philosophy, Logics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Methodology, Ethics, and Aesthetics. The familiarity with the history of various philosophical ideas and opinions is an essential pre-requisite for further understanding of modern philosophical matters. A great amount of information gained from studying Logics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Methodology are of great assessment for emerging and increasing critical thinking and talent of debating. The focus of the third section of the curriculum is on philosophical disciplines such as Ethics, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Politics and Law that explore matters or moral values and rational thinking, and facilitate successful management of daily practical and professional activities. Due to the gained knowledge, the graduate student with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy will be prepared to perform numerous and various complex professional tasks as well as be qualified and trained to conduct lectures and research projects.

Educational and Professional Goals:

The main focus of the Bachelor’s degree study program is oriented towards gaining knowledge and developing capabilities and skills essential for a work of a Bachelor of Philosophy at any professional level, as well as for continuing education and further specialization.

The main goals of the Bachelor’s degree study program in Philosophy are the following:

  • Achieving fundamental knowledge in History of Philosophy, Logics, Methodology, Epistemology, Ethics and Aesthetics
  • Introducing basic philosophical terms, issues, methods, theory and traditions
  • Developing competence to self-create and self-conduct the analysis of philosophical arguments and matters
  • Emerging capabilities of relating philosophical contexts to individual and social problems
  • Introducing current tendencies and trends in reference to modern philosophical issues
  • Acquiring academic and professional skills of students applicable in studying, professional work and continuing education.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. One study course corresponds to 4 – 14 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Philosophy
Study Field: Philosophy
Type of Study: Master
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 1 year / 2 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 60 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Master of Philosophy (M.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a follow-up Master’s study program is the completion of study in a Bachelor’s study program (240 ECTS credits). Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Master’s study program with a Bachelor’s degree from a different study group will have to take the difference exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Doctoral study program
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination / 30 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Miljana Milojević, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-182

Educational and Professional Goals:

A postgraduate student with a Master’s degree in Philosophy will get extensive education about primary philosophical study areas. The spectrum of knowledge in a discipline such as History of Philosophy offers education of the most excellent quality, while detailed understanding of disciplines such as Logics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Methodology enables a postgraduate student to easily and precisely function in different humanistic and philosophical areas. At the same time, relative theories of human worth and value in disciplines such as Ethics, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Politics and Law, Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of Religion, etc. are created and designed to enable a student to access the standard of quality life concerning issues of moral principles and orientations.

A Master’s Degree in Philosophy signifies that a graduate student will be in a great condition for good management of many complex branches of culture, education, publishing, administration, etc.

Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. One study course corresponds to 10 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program. A student is obligated to attempt and accumulate 30 ECTS credits in order to pass.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Philosophy
Study Field: Philosophy
Type of Study: Doctoral
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 3 years / 6 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 180 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance conditions for enrollment in a follow-up Doctoral study program are the completion of study in a Master’s study program (300 ECTS credits), the average grade of 8.00 during Bachelor and Master’s study programs, or at least five published research studies in magazines of national and international recognition. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Doctoral study program with a Master’s degree from a different study group will have to take the differential exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: The doctoral degree is the highest level of Serbian education system.
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination – Doctoral Dissertation / 60 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Miljana Milojević, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-182
Educational and Professional Goals: A graduate student with a Doctoral degree in Philosophy and accomplished Doctoral Dissertation will be equipped with wide-ranging knowledge in various philosophical areas. A Doctoral Degree in Philosophy signifies that a graduate student will be in a great condition for good management of many complex branches of culture, education, publishing, administration, scientific and research institutes, etc.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. One study course corresponds to 10 ECTS credits or 20 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program. Two elective courses (within first, second and third semester) correspond to 20 ECTS credits, while two elective courses realized in first and second semester correspond to 10 ECTS credits. The research study thesis corresponds to 40 ECTS credits.