Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Ethnology and Anthropology
Study Field: Ethnology and Anthropology
Type of Study: Bachelor
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 4 years / 8 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 240 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of Ethnology and
Anthropology (B.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment
in a Bachelor’s study program is to have graduated full high school, approved entrance
examination scores, and acceptance to study program. Rules for entrance examinations and
admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in
connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have
the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student
to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Master study program
Final Examination / ECTS: Final state examination / 10 ECTS
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Process of Studying:
A student that graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Ethnology and Anthropology will be equipped for performing the following:
- Organize, design and conduct scientific research projects within cultural, public, and religious domains, as well as in various social and institutions and groups
- Perform mediation in situations of ethnic, cultural, religious, racial or comparable conflicts frequent in multicultural societies
- Identify, document, classify, archive, interpret and evaluate elements of cultural heritage
- Actively apply ethnological and anthropological knowledge and findings in cultural spheres of media, sports, fashion and tourism
- Analyze, implement and evaluate projects in social and cultural-political study fields
- Conduct scientific and applied projects supported and financed by numerous government and non-for-profit organizations
- Participate and contribute in process of education in preschool institutions, as well as in elementary, middle and high school institutions, and in process of permanent education
- Competently and proficiently partake and contribute in conducting research projects, creating projects and administrating cultural institutions, such as: museums, galleries, libraries, archives, media archives, cultural centers, etc.
- Participate and contribute in developmental projects based on analytic, predictive and evaluative level
- Continue education through a Master’s study program or Specialization program within socio-humanistic study fields.
Educational and Professional Goals: In past two decades of
the proficient profiling of this occupation, a Bachelor’s study program in Ethnology and
Anthropology has been oriented towards developing professional competencies of a
socially recognized and prominent career of a Bachelor of Ethnology and Anthropology,
while creating an occupation essential for conducting research study works and projects,
planning, governing and evaluating some of the largest socio-cultural transformations
within the history of the country that are current progress.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of
Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year
corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. The study courses correspond to 4 – 7 ECTS. The
instructions are conducted through: lectures, seminars, mandatory laboratory
work, discussions, field work, etc. It is the credit accumulation system and
corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Ethnology and Anthropology
Study Field: Ethnology and Anthropology
Type of Study: Master
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 1 year / 2 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 60 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Master of Ethnology and Anthropology
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment
in a follow-up Master’s study program is the completion of study in a Bachelor’s study
program (240 ECTS credits). Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in
connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Master’s
study program with a Bachelor’s degree from a different study group will have to take
the difference exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in
connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have
the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student
to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Doctoral study program
Final Examination / ECTS: Final state examination / 16 ECTS
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Process of Studying:
A student that graduates with a Master’s degree in Ethnology and Anthropology will be equipped for performing the following:
- Organize, design and conduct scientific research projects within cultural, public, and religious domains, as well as in various social and institutions and groups
- Perform mediation in situations of ethnic, cultural, religious, racial or comparable conflicts frequent in multicultural societies
- Identify, document, classify, archive, interpret and evaluate elements of cultural heritage
- Actively apply ethnological and anthropological knowledge and findings in cultural spheres of media, sports, fashion and tourism
- Analyze, implement and evaluate projects in social and cultural-political study fields
- Conduct scientific and applied projects supported and financed by numerous government and non-for-profit organizations
- Participate and contribute in process of education in preschool institutions, as well as in elementary, middle and high school institutions, and in process of permanent education
- Competently and proficiently partake and contribute in conducting research projects, creating projects and administrating cultural institutions, such as: museums, galleries, libraries, archives, media archives, cultural centers, etc.
- Participate and contribute in developmental projects based on analytic, predictive and evaluative level
Educational and Professional Goals: The main goal of a
Master’s study program in Ethnology and Anthropology is to enable graduate students to
integrate in continuously changeable work market conditions, specifically orienting the
Master’s study program in Ethnology and Anthropology towards interpretative and applied
approaches of scientific research study works, whether these students are continuing
education after accomplishing undergraduate studies in Ethnology and Anthropology or
they are using the Master’s study program in Ethnology and Anthropology to change their
vocational discipline or build their competencies to become more diverse and remarkable.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of
Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year
corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Each study course, either elective or compulsory,
corresponds to 6 ECTS credits. The research study work in the second semester
corresponds to 8 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding
grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Ethnology and Anthropology
Study Field: Ethnology and Anthropology
Type of Study: Doctoral
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 3 years / 6 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 180 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Doctor of Ethnology and Anthropology
Admission Requirements: An entrance conditions for
enrollment in a follow-up Doctoral study program are the completion of study in a
Master’s study program (300 ECTS credits), the average grade of 8.00 during Bachelor and
Master’s study programs, or at least five published research studies in magazines of
national and international recognition. The knowledge of at least one foreign language
is mandatory as well. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in
connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Doctoral
study program with a Master’s degree from a different study group will have to take the
differential exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in
connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have
the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student
to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: The doctoral degree is the
highest level of Serbian education system.
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination – Doctoral
Dissertation / 120 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Name: Slobodan Naumović, Associate Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-277
Process of Studying: Overall basic characteristics of a
qualified and knowledgeable Doctor of Ethnology and Anthropology are creative thinking,
ability of challenging the obvious, capability of triangulation and bricolage methods,
research techniques, theoretical approaches and opinions, and ideological scientific
contexts. In accordance with these goals, the Doctoral study program in Ethnology and
Anthropology has been created and designed to simultaneously acquire modern and
contemporary knowledge concerning theoretical and methodological disciplines within
Ethnology and Anthropology and related socio-humanistic disciplines, and to continuously
instruct and prepare graduate student for independent and team scientific research study
work. The main goal of the Doctoral study program in Ethnology and Anthropology is to
acquire graduate students with knowledge to actively apply obtained expertise from the
academic habitat onto surrounding socio-cultural phenomena, including but not excluding
occurrences such as: research design, conducting research, describing and analyzing
research results, dissemination of the research results, active update on the latest
ethnological and anthropological trends and tendencies, translation of discipline
specific knowledge into explicable administrative language, and language understood by
general population and related disciplines.
Educational and Professional Goals:
A graduate student with a Doctoral degree in Ethnology and Anthropology will be competent for performing the following activities:
- Independently or with a team create scientific research projects
- Independently or with a team accomplish scientific research projects
- Independently describe, analyze, publish and promote research results
- Independently or with a team actively apply acquired knowledge
- Independently or with a team amend the research results and the dissemination language of the results to different sub-disciplines and general population
- Independently perform controlling or recurring research work concerning relevant research phenomena
- Participate in interdisciplinary projects
- Evaluate scientific research results of different authors and project instigators
- Evaluate scientific, artistic, administrative and other research projects that are maneuvered by socio-cultural analysis
- Consult clients and research associates within the wide spectrum of activities. Ranging from administrative to commercial
- Conduct lectures and instructions within the academic or professional context of the specialized discipline or sub-discipline in Ethnology and Anthropology
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of
Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year
corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Elective and compulsory study courses corresponds from 5
to 10 ECTS credits, and the thesis and project topic selections correspond to 15 ECTS
credits each. The research study work corresponds to 47 ECTS credits. It is the credit
accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that
form a part of the study program.