Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Andragogy
Study Field: Andragogy
Type of Study: Bachelor
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 4 years / 8 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 240 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of Andragogy (B.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a Bachelor’s study program is to have graduated full high school, approved entrance examination scores, and acceptance to study program. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Master study program
Final Examination / ECTS: No final state examination required
ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Name: Tamara Nikolić, Assistant Professor E-mail: Phone: 381 11 3206-165
Process of Studying:

A student that graduates with a Bachelor degree in Andragogy will accomplish and perform the following:

  • Will understand theoretical basis of Andragogy and its methodological and epistemological status
  • Will comprehend different concepts in Andragogy and to understand European systems of adult education
  • Will realize and make a distinction between different theories and concepts relevant for understanding the development of the adults and the way the function in diverse environments and within specific contexts, such as: family, work, school, free time, etc.
  • Will understand the factors that shape global, national and regional politics of educating adults, and will participate in creating strategic and operational solutions on national and local level
  • Will explore the practice of educating adults, and will present research study findings in appropriate manners
Educational and Professional Goals: The main goal of a Bachelor’s study program in Andragogy is to equip each student with an ability to apply gained knowledge towards improving both Andragogy as a science and Andragogy as a manner of educating adults.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. The study courses correspond to 3 – 8 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Andragogy
Study Field: Andragogy
Type of Study: Master
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 1 year / 2 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 60 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Master of Andragogy (M.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a follow-up Master’s study program is the completion of study in a Bachelor’s study program (240 ECTS credits). Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Master’s study program with a Bachelor’s degree from a different study group will have to take the difference exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Doctoral study program
Final Examination / ECTS: Final state examination / 20 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Tamara Nikolić, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-165

Process of Studying:

A student that graduates with a Master degree in Andragogy will accomplish and perform the following:

  • Will understand the basic theoretical and methodological matters concerning Andragogy and other related disciplines that study the education and the development of the adults
  • Will acquire knowledge about different methodological and epistemological research approaches and paradigms, and will understand the implications of their usage while studying specific problems concerning process of educating and development of the adults
  • Will create and accomplish different types of applied research projects in educating adults
  • Will identify practical problems concerning Andragogy, attain and accomplish research projects concerning those issues and suggest practical solutions
Educational and Professional Goals: A Master’s study program in Andragogy is oriented towards acquiring general and specific knowledge and skills in the area of Andragogy, obtaining abilities necessary for satisfying professional responsibilities and conducting individual and independent work within educational systems and programs concerning education of adults.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Each study course, both compulsory and elective, corresponds to 6 ECTS credits, while research study project corresponds to 10 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Andragogy
Study Field: Andragogy
Type of Study: Doctoral
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 3 years / 6 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 180 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Doctor of Andragogy (Ph.D.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance conditions for enrollment in a follow-up Doctoral study program are the completion of study in a Master’s study program (300 ECTS credits), the average grade of 8.00 during Bachelor and Master’s study programs, or at least five published research studies in magazines of national and international recognition. The knowledge of at least one foreign language is mandatory as well. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Doctoral study program with a Master’s degree from a different study group will have to take the differential exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: The doctoral degree is the highest level of Serbian education system.
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination – Doctoral Dissertation / 100 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Tamara Nikolić, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-165

Educational and Professional Goals:

A Doctoral study program in Andragogy is oriented towards emerging and improving knowledge and skills for theoretically-analytical, critically-investigative and practically-innovative work in all academic and professional areas in Andragogy and the education of the adults.

A graduate student with a Doctoral degree in Andragogy will be qualified and will have adequate competence to perform the following:

  • To critically think and analyze basic issues of theoretical and practical sections of a lifelong educational process
  • To evaluate and examine exploring and practical values of different theories, concepts and strategies within adult education
  • To examine and evaluate possibilities of applying different methodological and epistemological approaches in researching basic issues of adult education
  • To combine interdisciplinary and integrative approaches while examining basic issues within adult educational process
  • To create and accomplish various fundamental research study works concerning adult education, and to present the results at domestic and international conventions
  • To understand co-independence among global and national issues and perspectives concerning adult education
  • To utilize research results for shaping systematical solutions, overcoming concrete problems and improving practice of adult education
  • To introduce research results and global tendencies of existing issues and practical solutions to intellectual community
  • To recognize the adult education as a process of educating adults as independent and social phenomena, and to comprehend the philosophical, historically-comparative, socio-economical, psychological, and organizationally-didactic dimensions of Andragogy
  • To critically evaluate the possibility of potential applying of different models and forms of preventive education and intervention within complex social contexts and domains, such as: family, work, social environment, free time, etc.
  • To understand personal professional and ethic responsibilities necessary for improving the adult education in both theory and practice
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Each elective and compulsory study course corresponds to 10 ECTS credits, and the thesis and project topic selections correspond to 10 ECTS credits each. The research study work corresponds to 40 ECTS credits and the final thesis analysis corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.